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'오디오 전환'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2015.03.13 AudioSwitcher 오디오 장치 쉽게 변경하는 유틸입니다 단축키 지원



디지털/아날로그 출력을 둘다 사용하는데 전환이 번거로워서 고심하다가 찾은 괴물유틸(?).. 입력장치도 가능합니다

장치별 단축키 지정이 가능하고 트레이아이콘 원클릭으로 쉽게 전환이 가능합니다(장치 우클릭 즐겨찾기 지정 필수)

적당한곳에 풀어놓고 자동실행/트레이로실행/퀵스위치 옵션 체크해놓고 사용하면됩니다



Easily switch the default audio device, input or output, on any Windows PC (Vista and above)

Using this application you can switch output OR input sound devices at the click of a button, or the press of a key.

I designed this application to be incredibly small and lightweight. There is no bloat, it does exactly what it should, nothing more, nothing less.

- Windows Vista/7/8 32-bit or 64-bit
- .NET 4.0 Client Profile

Have some great ideas for features you want added?
Or maybe you just want to tell me how awesome it is?
You can tweet at me @xenolightning and include #audioswitcher

Updated with a Donate Link. Audio Switcher is developed by me, for free, and will remain free; so why not buy me a beer for my efforts? :-D

NOTE: All old .NET 3.5 version will remain available for download, but there will no support or regular bug fixes for any older version.

Have an issue? Log it here: https://github.com/xenolightning/AudioSwitcher_v1/issues

Posted by 5차원인간
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